
Like many nicknames, Minnie’s was an alliteration of his surname. I never actually had him as a teacher myself, but he did invigilate during some of my exams. Easiest bloke to wind up I've ever known.

Does anyone remember the penny rolling in the main hall, and his frantic attempts, gown flowing behind him, to find out where the pennies (or was it halfpennies) were coming from? As he got to one aisle between the desks, so another coin would roll down another aisle.

Then there was the ritual tearing up of someone's answer paper because the victim (who was it?) had some books on his desk. This was followed by acute embarrassment when it was revealed that the books had nothing at all to do with the exam.

Who said that exams, REAL exams, were stressful? They were hilarious.


Richard Dawes adds:

    Minnie, aquired the name when he returned homeworks your mark was broadcast and if low (very frequent) accompanied loudly by MINIME which means too small. He was a bible-bashing Christian who had some very strange ideas about what was proper. Translating a classic poem, we came to a line "Publius pectoram Octavia placeo manus"; the word pectoram was new and we asked what it was (a nominitive version of pectus or breast)', Minnie told us to say udder, in minniespeak the translation became "Publius put his hand on Octavia's udder". The class' reaction to this can only be imagined.

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