The Martian

The Martian, known in earlier years as ‘The Mekon’, was so called because of the shape of his head - broad at the brow, and narrow at the chin - sort of triangular. Otherwise described by ‘Jet’ (R.E.) as having a somewhat bulbous head.

    He took over from RJ King as acting Head. He had two mannerisms: 1) holding his hand up to his face to hide the thumb that was gouging out the inside of his nose, and 2) standing in front of the class with one hand in his pocket visibly massaging his balls.

    He told me I would never pass any exams. I never did get the chance to shove my certificate up his nose. Nor the Part I Banking Diploma I got a few years later.

Richard Dawes:

    Form 1H stood in assembly by the steps to the stage. I saw The Martian tear his trousers on a projecting nail one morning, he still wore that patched suit when he became acting head 5 years later.

    One class (4A?) produced a mock 'This is Your Life' file with many anecdotes of The Martian. I've forgotten them all except a caricature (does anyone still have the file?) which used the top half of an aliens head from a comic with the rest of his lanky body drawn below, and right hand thrust deep in his pocket with plenty of jiggling indicated. The head was inspirational, brilliantly capturing the unusual shape of his skull. As Highbury leaving date approached I became very apprehensive of having to shake THAT hand on my last day.

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